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How Custom is Too Custom When it Comes to Packaging Equipment?

Normally, a packaging machine is designed to meet certain base requirements and performance standards. Beyond that, there’s an endless array of customization available to meet individual manufacturer’s wants and wishes. While it’s certainly commonplace to add some customization to the base machine design to best fit a particular application, the question is when does customization […]

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Why Shrink Wrap? Advantages and Benefits

Why Shrink Wrap Packaging Could Be The Best Application For Your Packaging Process Finding dependable packaging solutions is crucial if you’re a business that sells consumer-shipped products. Your team must ensure products stay protected and secure as they ship to customers — the right material leaves recipients satisfied and reduces replacement costs. But with all […]

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The Advantages and Challenges of Packaging Machine Flexibility

In packaging machinery, the term flexibility is almost exclusively used in a positive light. Machine flexibility describes a piece of equipment’s ability to handle many different products or formats. While flexibility is certainly a noble goal, failing to acknowledge that a packaging machine that handles many products or functions will require some compromises can often lead to unpleasant surprises […]

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Make Sure You Compare Apples to Apples When Evaluating Packaging Systems

Ferrari and Yugo, are they similar or different? Both are car brands, and so my three-year-old would say, “Yeah, they’re similar.” However, to automobile aficionados and laypeople alike, the two vehicles are a far cry from being even close to similar. This same type of assessment occurs every day — buyers reject packaging systems based […]

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12 Quick Facts About Secondary Packaging

Secondary packaging is ever-evolving, which makes it easy to lose sight of some of the basics. If this sounds familiar, we’re here to help. We’ve compiled a list of key facts to help those newer to the industry learn more about secondary packaging and give packaging veterans a quick refresher. If you’re looking for more information about the importance of […]

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9 Packaging Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

Packaging plays a critical role in how businesses invest their money.  Beyond the actual product, it affects everything from labor and distribution costs, to whether or not your product is purchased, to environmental impact.  Overlooking certain aspects of your product and supply chain can quickly result in increased costs.  When designing primary and secondary packaging, keep costs […]

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