4 Ways to Avoid Packaging Equipment Buyer’s Remorse

12 February 2016 //

Equipment PurchasingPackaging System Upgrade

Regardless of whether you’re looking to automate a process or upgrade an existing piece of equipment, capital equipment purchases can carry a variety of expectations. The purchasing process may start with a product manufacturer forming the ideal solution, but add budget, space and equipment restraints into the mix, and the original goal quickly becomes convoluted. When this happens, the product manufacturer is often seeking a new solution a year or two later.

No equipment manufacturer wants a scenario like this to play out, regardless of which side of the original decision they were on. Be confident in your capital equipment purchase by avoiding the following four common assumptions during the buying process:

1. Don’t Make A Decision Based Solely On Price

Choosing the least expensive (or, in some cases, the most expensive) piece of equipment doesn’t allow you to compare apples to apples. Experience, system features, technology and design considerations all go into an equipment quote. In addition, taking a holistic view of the equipment’s total life cycle costs after installation, including service and consumable parts, should factor into your final decision.

2. Don’t Upgrade Technology Without Anticipating Company Growth Or Industry Advances

As time passes and your company grows, so will technology, processes and design. While equipment purchased “back in the day” may have met your needs then, its ability to continue to do so continues to slow, causing you to fall out of love with your equipment. It’s important to have clear expectations and communicate them to the equipment manufacturer. Additionally, when considering new packaging equipment, evaluate its ability to be upgraded and modified based on company growth or industry and technological advances. Modular packaging solutions that provide flexibility minimize equipment stagnation and maximize the viability of your original equipment purchase.

3. Don’t Believe Everything You’re Told

It’s a sales professional’s responsibility to educate buyers and share their represented company’s experiences and benefits. As such, when assessing comparable capital equipment manufacturers, at times you will hear optimism and promise that align with your requirements, and at other times you will hear truth and facts that won’t manifest your needs and wants. Listen to the facts presented during these conversations, understand the reasoning behind why certain information is being discussed and follow it up with your own research.

4. Don’t Assume All Equipment Packaging Solutions Are Equal

Ignoring industry or equipment manufacturer innovation and assuming that all solutions are equal can result in lost time and dollars. Should you require a packaging solution that has not been previously done, select an equipment manufacturer that specializes in tailoring equipment to customers’ expectations.

Understanding the equipment manufacturer’s practices and processes, as well as talking with their existing customers, will provide valuable insight to their capabilities. Prior to any purchase, request that an equipment manufacturer corroborate their experience with testimonials and recommendations from customers. It may be beneficial to seek out a customer who had challenges with the manufacturer to gain an understanding of how these challenges were handled. You’ll be a better-informed buyer and minimize the risk of quickly falling out of love with your new equipment.

Have questions about your next capital equipment purchase? Contact EDL Packaging Engineers today.