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Source Reduction Initiatives Must Account for Secondary Packaging Too

By standard definition, source reduction is the elimination of waste before it is created. Also known as waste prevention or pollution prevention, the process involves the design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials or products with the goal of reducing the volume and/or toxicity of what consumers throw away. The Focus on Primary Packaging The term […]

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Taking Responsibility for LDPE Recycling, Packaging Reduction [VIDEO]

What is our shared responsibility for plastics recycling and packaging reduction? Watch this video to gain perspective on why plastics recycling is important and the cost, handling and environmental benefits low-density polyethylene film offers. VIDEO TRANSCRIPT As an industry we all should be doing more to further the cause of recycling and the public’s knowledge […]

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How to Plan for Repurposing/Refurbishing Secondary Packaging Equipment

Certain circumstances may have you investigating the possibility of repurposing/refurbishing an existing secondary packaging machine. These circumstances can include: A new product is being pursued that falls well outside of the original scope of the machine The machine is being moved to a new production line Used equipment was originally purchased and is not performing […]

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Getting More for Your Budget: Shrink-Bundling Reduces Distribution Costs

Business travelers can attest that petroleum prices may fluctuate, but the number of passengers on an airplane still only goes in one direction: up. What drives this practice? Efficiency. The goal is obvious: amortize fixed transportation costs as best as possible. This same practice is used when it comes to utilizing truck cargo space for […]

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The 5 Benefits of an Integrated Shrink Bundler and Robotic Case Packer Combo for Personal Care Products

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) producers manufacture and operate in a dynamic and competitive marketplace, so finding the most efficient production processes are required to maintain a competitive edge. Although there are steps to make your shrink bundler more efficient we find replacing two machines traditionally used to shrink bundle and case pack products with one […]

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How Ancillary Components Impact Packaging Line Efficiency

When designing a new packaging line or retooling an existing one, the emphasis is understandably on the major packaging functions and related capital equipment. In fact, the amount of attention paid to investigating, specifying and selecting a particular piece of machinery is roughly proportionate to the financial investment for that component relative to the overall […]

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