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Understanding the Differences Between Polyolefin Packaging Films

Polyolefin films serve an essential role in the packaging and distribution of products. Three commonly used packaging films are decorative high-clarity shrink wrap, low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and high-density polyethylene. Understanding the differences in the films’ properties and uses will help you determine which one fits your product needs best. Decorative High-Clarity Shrink Wrap Decorative high-clarity shrink wrap is most often used when the product requires a shelf presence. The […]

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A Simple Guide to Planning Ahead for Packaging Machine Installation That Will Save Time and Money

After preparing and planning for new equipment by issuing an RFP and reviewing multiple proposals, selecting a supplier and ordering the best packaging machine that will help you meet your manufacturing goals, it must successfully pass vendor acceptance testing, making it ready for delivery and installation. Installing a new machine can present unforeseen challenges, whether into an existing production line or an entirely new line — especially without proper planning. However, you […]

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8 Key Steps for Determining Production Line Efficiency Improvement Areas

Improving the efficiency of your packaging line can save you precious time and money in the long run. To do so, you need to begin by analyzing your line’s current performance metrics and identifying problem areas. Below, you’ll find a list of eight steps to help you create the best overall packaging line efficiency formula. Step […]

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How To Decode and Compare Packaging Equipment Manufacturer Quotes

For many product manufacturers it is common practice, or even a requirement to receive multiple quotes on new packaging equipment purchases. Getting multiple quotes allows the purchaser the opportunity to review and compare packaging equipment manufacturers and weigh each proposal. It’s also not uncommon that, when reviewing a quote, to almost immediately flip to the […]

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5 Signs That It’s Time to Upgrade Your Packaging Equipment

Henry Ford once said, “If you need a machine and don’t buy it, you will ultimately find you have paid for it, but don’t have it.”  Many factors go into the decision to purchase a new packaging machine; ROI, labor costs, packaging efficiency, maintenance costs, distribution costs – and the list goes on.  But when do […]

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9 Packaging Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

Packaging plays a critical role in how businesses invest their money.  Beyond the actual product, it affects everything from labor and distribution costs, to whether or not your product is purchased, to environmental impact.  Overlooking certain aspects of your product and supply chain can quickly result in increased costs.  When designing primary and secondary packaging, keep costs […]

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