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The 6 Key Elements of a Shrink Bundling Machine’s Anatomy

Just like the human body is comprised of various cells that become building blocks for life, a shrink bundling machine is comprised of many different parts, each designed to perform a specific function that contributes to its overall performance. Like an elite athlete who trains and sculpts their body for speed, strength, and flexibility, an […]

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10 Misconceptions About Shrink Wrapping and Shrink Bundling

If you’re a veteran to shrink wrapping or shrink bundling, the following statements may sound preposterous. However, time and time again we hear many of the same misconceptions that are based on false information, an unwillingness to change or an inability to have necessary conversations. As such, we’ve decided to set the record straight by […]

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Applying Packaging Equipment Successes Across Different Industries

Everyone has heard the saying, “learn from your mistakes.” While this saying does hold true, it implies that failure is acceptable—as long as you learn from it. A good manufacturer does just this, building on the positives, correcting their mistakes, and not becoming complacent with yesterday’s design. And, once a successful new process or design […]

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Getting More for Your Budget: Shrink-Bundling Reduces Distribution Costs

Business travelers can attest that petroleum prices may fluctuate, but the number of passengers on an airplane still only goes in one direction: up. What drives this practice? Efficiency. The goal is obvious: amortize fixed transportation costs as best as possible. This same practice is used when it comes to utilizing truck cargo space for […]

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5 Tough Questions to Ask Yourself When Evaluating Secondary Packaging Equipment

In today’s world where everyone wants immediate satisfaction and results, we have seemingly forgotten how to ask ourselves the right questions. We much prefer to be general in our questions and answers. However, we need to be asking ourselves the tough questions in order to achieve the best solution to our problems or challenges. Say you need […]

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The Benefits of Eliminating or Reducing Corrugate in Secondary Packaging

When was the last time you drove around the back of a large big box retailer or the local grocery store and saw large, strapped bundles of corrugate stacked just waiting to be picked up? Now, consider the costs associated with each of the cardboard containers within that bundle: The initial cost of the cardboard […]

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