- Machine Type: Inline Automatic
- Industry: Building Materials
- Package Type: Total Enclosure with Shrink
0:09 In-line automatic with traveling film cradle and auto-adjusting rotary hot air side sealers wrapping windows
0:24 Automatic product centering device positions the product in the center of the infeed conveyor.
0:46 Dual film cradle and delivery system mounted on a traveling frame with active roll positions
0:58 The dual film cradle system allows for an automatic switch between active film paths. The product centering device measures the width of the product to determine the required film width.
1:27 The product is advanced forward through the web of film, across the seal jaw, and onto the side seal conveyor. The seal jaw closes, creating a sleeve of film around he pack and a complete web of film for the next product to be wrapped.
1:41 The rotary hot air side sealer automatically adjusts to the product’s width. The rotary knife trims off the excess film material.
2:08 The pack is conveyed through the shrink tunnel hood where the film is shrunk tightly around the pack completing the enclosure.